Fonjo Foundation Uncategorized AVG VPN VPN Review – Does It Unblock Netflix?

AVG VPN VPN Review – Does It Unblock Netflix?

AVG Secure VPN comes with an array of features for a reasonable cost. It does not store any activity logs. It makes use of the OpenVPN tunneling protocols to protect internet traffic. It unblocks Netflix US, BOLLE CONSOMMATION, iPlayer, and Hulu. It allows users to label home wi-fi sites as secure or perhaps private and includes a community product gain function, a net kill switch, and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

However, it’s not doing quite as well on the Netflix front as some of its competitors. The streaming servers of Netflix aren’t always sufficient to prevent the website’s IP problems The company also does not offer live chat options or knowledge base. It also only offers some pricing plans, which include one-year packages and three-year subscriptions.

However, it does store some of the user’s data, such as timestamps for connections and data usage on its servers. This isn’t uncommon among VPN providers, but it’s a bit more troubling than some of the competitors’ policies. It also doesn’t include browser extensions, apps for smart TVs or a router app.

AVG Secure VPN is a great choice of features, and it is reasonably priced. However, its small number of Netflix-compatible server options are disappointing. The app is simple to use and offers an option to automatically connect when you’re connected to Internet. You can also change the settings of the app to prevent it from recording your activities or sharing your connection details with AVG.

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