Fonjo Foundation Uncategorized Board Meeting Tips – How to Get the Most Out of Your Meetings

Board Meeting Tips – How to Get the Most Out of Your Meetings

Your board of directors are crucial to the success of your community. Planning and preparation are essential to getting the most out of your board meetings. Here are a few important tips for board meetings to help you be more productive:

Create a clearly defined agenda and send it out before the meeting. This gives board members an opportunity to review the material prior to the meeting and ask questions, as well as prepare for the discussion.

Think about holding your board meeting in a public place like a library or conference room of a local business. This will eliminate distractions, like pets, children or ringing telephones, which can interrupt a discussion.

It is important to assign a person with taking detailed minutes during the meeting. This will ensure that key decisions are documented and the board is aware of what was discussed.

Limit the time allotted to each item on the agenda to ensure that the meeting is kept moving and avoid tangents. If you think that a topic on the agenda is taking too long, consider moving it to “parking lots” for later discussion. This will keep the main issues in the front of the room.

Discuss the decision-making process at the meeting. If it’s a consensus process or voting it is important to ensure that all attendees understand what’s being discussed and can participate in the discussion.

Encourage officers at the C-level and their staff members to attend the meeting so that they can offer their expertise. This will allow the board to hear directly from people closest to the action who are the best equipped to offer suggestions.

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